Our presence around the world

Our project in Madagascar has evolved. Discover the different countries where we operate today.




Senteurs et Saveurs du Monde 

Where Ilanga Nature was born, a fertile land rich in flowers and fruit. Our honeys, jams and spices all come from Madagascar, our island of heart.

Our honeys come from two main sites: Manakara and Tolagnaro (Fort Dauphin). These areas were chosen because of their abundance of melliferous plants. In addition to these two sites, we also have Morondava.

Our spices come from Tamatave and Fort Dauphin. Our vanilla comes from Mananara and the SAVA region, source of superior quality vanillas.

We have been able to centralize our production and harvesting areas for greater traceability and to shorten the production circuit. We give priority to the natural cycle of the seasons and animal welfare, and guarantee direct traceability, from the producer to the end consumer's table.




Società Agricola Sant'Antonio SRL

We appreciate the island's climate, which is ideal for growing olive trees. So, for our production of organic extra virgin olive oils, we set up in Sardinia, Italy, where we've been planting and tending them ourselves for the past 12 years.


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