
Sponsor a beehive or an olive tree for a better future.

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Sponsor a beehive 

A land without flowers and greenery is simply sad and desolate. This is what will happen if we do not actively support the preservation of bees. We offer you a dynamic and rewarding job.

Sponsor a hive today for a better future

Amber, vanilla, fruity... So many words taken from the daily register to define the flavor of Madagascar honeys. However, this gustatory variety is in danger of dying out with the disappearance of bees. Let's remedy it by sponsoring hives. Become the sponsor of a hive located in one of the cradles of beekeeping in Madagascar.

Disappearance of bees: All concerned!

At Ilanga Nature, we want to combine the useful with the pleasant. Useful by saving entire colonies of bees and pleasant by living on a healthier and more fertile land for future generations.

Where would we be without the help of these foraging insects

Rather than finding a solution at the last moment, let's anticipate the dangers together and make sure that tomorrow the flowers bear fruit and seeds to continue the great cycle of life. Moreover, you bring your share to the Malagasy economy and its gratifying effects on its population.

The privileges of hive sponsorship

The hives offered for sponsorship are maintained by workers based in one of the beekeeping sites in Madagascar. Your honey will naturally come from the hive labeled in your name and that you jealously protect.

Sponsor an olive tree

In the same way, adopt an olive tree and guarantee its durability by making it useful through its fruits and its oil. Oil that you will receive in exchange for your support as soon as the harvesting and bottling are completed.